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Dalkey Island panorama

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Dalkey Island panorama

  • castaway

    i have to say its great shot, nice composition and absolutely wonderful colours in the sky and water,.. the only thing i would suggest is either make it really dark silhouette shot, or use nd grad filters to bring more details in the island…
    or you can try blending two layers with different exposures, one for the sky, and one for the island…


    Sorry to be a little negative but this doesn’t do a whole lot for me.

    The sky is lovely and the shot has a lot of potential, I just don’t think the island as a silhouette offers much interest.
    Maybe if the round thing was a bit taller or something, but as it is there isn’t much to hold one’s attention.

    As I said, I think there’s potential there, it might be better if the island was brighter.


    nice sky and good to get panorama, pity the island is cropped at left side, but agreee with the others i think if island showed more detail it might add to scene


    As it loaded, the first thing I thought was submarine…. but that could just be me.

    Concur with the others though, not enough to keep the attention on the island.

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