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Dark Shadow???

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Dark Shadow???

  • mtmccallion

    Well how typical is this – 10 minutes before a studio shoot the below starts happening whenever I take a photo! Sometimes its there and sometimes its not? There was nothing wrong with my studio lights – both were firing? I think it might be the mirror out of place but I am not sure? It was a total nightmare and I’ve probably lost half the shots I took because of this :evil:

    Any thoughts?


    miki g

    Could it be something to do with the shutter synch speed? I’ve heard of dark areas being caused by this (ie too fast a shutter speed ), but never experienced it. Just a thought.


    I’ll goggle it and see what comes up – but if that were the case then it would be in every photo, which it wasn’t – about 20% of them.

    I have had studio sessions before and this never happened? I was setting up and firing some test shots and noticed it.


    You were right Miki – that’s exactly what it was! Phew – thought it was my camera so at least its something thats in my control. Looked up my photo data and for some reason I had my shutter speed set to 250 when it was supposed to be set to 125! :? So it was human error…I totally paniced when I saw it and never thought logically that it was that. I use my camera outdoors as well so its not always set up for the studio! BIG lesson learned today!


    Hi Mari,

    I’ve been prone to the same problem if I use a shutter speed above 1/160th sec. The sync speed of my camera is supposed to be 1/200th but I get the same error as you when I push it to that.




    What camera are you using and what triggers? That shadow is left by the second shutter closing to fast for the light to reach the sensor. It could be the flash sync speed or the speed the trigger sends the signal to the flash. Or..bad quality strobes.

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