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  • I know the right hand side is blown but is this always such an unforgivable crime? any comments welcome


    A strange composition for me. Incredibly shallow depth of field too.
    Compositionally it looks as though you were falling over to your right
    at the moment you clicked, so the head just isn’t sitting properly in the
    frame. On the plus side, despite the burned out left side of the face,
    Dave’s expression is brilliantly mad, with that wonderful lack of self-
    consciousness you’d expect from a child of three or four. Terrific
    sharpness in the eyes too. I expect you have more than just this one.
    Perhaps another might be better…


    Thanks for the comments Rob , Dave just has one of those faces :D .The strange angle is because I was sitting down playing with my sb800 trying for fill in flash .The expression and crop/composition does it for me . while the blown highlights is a bummer I think as a portrait it still works .


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