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Decisions Decisions

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Decisions Decisions

  • edg3

    Hey all.

    Been a while but I’ve been super busy and just haven’t had time to post anything properly in ages, or even take a single picture.
    But thats not why I’m here today, I’ve a decision to make and I’m torn.

    Right now my priorities and a sum of cash is wrapped up in what I hope to be my future (health and fitness) and my poor 5D Mkii is sitting here under my desk. I’ve had an offer from a friend to buy it off me a few times. Shes fully aware I barely use it anymore but also knows I don’t want to sell my glass (100-400 L Series and 24-105 L series) because I’m in love with them. But recently I’ve been looking at the EOS M mirrorless camera. I know it didn’t take off when it was released due to its horrific auto focus speed but I’ve been reading up and they fixed that in a firmware update.
    My problem is, my 5D is going to waste here, it has a layer of dust on it at the minute and its not that I don’t want to be a photographer anymore, but for the now and then I use it, its just to much, its like having an all terrain vehicle to drive around the city, it just doesn’t make sense.

    So I’m still on the ropes about the idea of swapping over, I’d get nearly twice the amount I need for the EOS M by selling the 5D so I’d have some cash left over after which could do me huge favors in paying back loans and this and that.
    Can anyone offer me some insight that might help.



    A dilemma alright, what if you do let your gear go and you go for the mirrorless set up and
    You REALLY don’t like it? The cost of replacing the gear you have under your desk would
    maybe be out of your reach, you have the gear you love right now and while the money
    would deplete the debts a bit, if it all goes pear shaped with the alternative gear you may regret
    It. Could you perhaps rent the possible replacement for a week or so to see if it suits before
    making a decision?


    I’d the exact same idea. Conns rents cameras and I spoke with them the other day about it, so I’d be looking at abut 50euro a day, however they didn’t get back to me about the lens adapter so I’m guessing they wont rent that to me as part of the rental.

    I’ve been mulling over it in my head and one minute I’m all go for the new camera and next I’m back rethinking myself. I could always hold off and hope Canon bring out a better mirrorless camera at some stage, something that can match the Sony and Pentax mirrorless range but since the EOS M didn’t do so well for them I’m wondering how long it’ll be before they try again.


    Fifty euro a day is a bit steep! If it were me I would wait if there is no urgency on the
    money side, then you have nothing to lose by waiting. In the meantime get back out there
    and start shooting again!


    Hi I understand the dilemma but whatever you do don’t go canon M it’s crap.
    I have canon gear too and for mirror less I use fuji which are brilliant and leave canon at the gate, if you want interchangeable lenses try the XT1 and if not and are happy try the X100s many people are calling this the best camera they have ever had depending on your use of course. I have both and am considering getting rid of all my canon as I am enjoying my photography all over again . See if you can borrow or try one out for a bit rather than pay Conns for rental. if you are in the North give me an email and you can have a go on one of mine.
    In fact I have a brand new x100s unwanted gift on this site for sale as I have two . don’t worry though I’m not trying to sell it to you but I would recommend giving one a go as you will love it. I have read Olympus make good ones too but most reviews prefer the fuji from what I can see. Check out Zachary Arais or Damien Lovegrove and see for yourself. Cheers cannonball

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