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  • smbee

    decluttering my house, to fit yet more children’s stuff, toys and whatnot.

    Any who came across my Nikon FE10 – anybody remember those from the late 90s?

    My questions is do I ….

    a) Go buy some batteries and a roll of film and see what happens

    b) Try to sell it

    c) put back where I found for a few more years until it becomes a collector’s item

    So, if I go with option a) – I think I would go for a roll B&W film. It has been 10 since I was in a dark room, so my plan would be to get the film processed in local camera shop, get negs and contact sheet. I have heard legends that you can use your DSLR to ‘photograph’ the negatives in RAW so you can upload them to your computer and use PS or such like to obtain the desired finshed product. Is this doable? Is it more hasle than it is worth? Can anybody point to a good place to get info on this process?

    I am going to have a quick scout around on E-bay to see what (if anything) is the going rate for late 90s Nikons.


    I would put a roll of film through it and see how it turns out.I found a leica camera at the back of my mothers wardrobe and tried it out ,I found i was getting better pics than my DSLR!!! get it developed and scanned to disc and you can make changes on photoshop.This might seem horrific advice to die hard film users but if you dont want the hassle of developing yourself it can be worthwhile. :)

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