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Desktp Background

  • irishshagua

    I’m trying to do a desktop background for my girlfriend but am not overhappy with this. Was wondering if people had any tips on improving it. It’s very noisy but I haven’t run it through any de-noise programmes yet. Not sure if I should just scrap it and keep looking. Cheers for any help.



    Ok so I take it the general consensus on the last one was not good. I am still trying though (stupidly persistant is me middle name) and I’d appreciate any thoughts on this one. Are the stones too bright, blown???



    I imagine it would be hard to find desktop icons on this kind of background, well, if she has as many icons as I have, at any rate!


    yeah I suppose you have a point there. Back to looking again I suppose.

    Cheers for looking

    Jay King

    You need something that has a lot of free space on the left hand side – for most of the icons. (or if the screen would be full of them, then somethnig light and not cluttered (like the second you posted))

    The first is nice but a bit dull I think… try an upgrade of colour…


    it wouldn’t be my choice though – try and find something meaningfull to her or the both of you… that when she looks at it, will remind her of something funny or a good time you spent together… doesn’t have to be a photo from an occasion – but just something to represent that time :)


    Not mad on the colour changes. Looks very fake and something that neither of us would like. I’ll have a goosey at a few shots of us but not really sure that any of them would look great as a background. She just has one of my normal shots as the background at the moment but definitely doesn;t work, too cluttered.

    Cheers for the advice though.


    Why not try taking one of those minimalist shots that wonkafan has been posting lately? Very unobtrusive for a nice desktop background I’d imagine?
    Just a thought!


    beef wrote:

    Why not try taking one of those minimalist shots that wonkafan has been posting lately? Very unobtrusive for a nice desktop background I’d imagine?
    Just a thought!

    Yeah I really like his shots but I know my girlfirend would turn up her npose at them. Not her type of thing. She’s an awful hard yoke to please sometimes :roll: :wink: :lol:

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