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Develop C-41 @ Home

  • Isabella

    yup i use paterson plastic tanks.

    how did you get on?


    finally got to it today! lots of sloshing about with hot water, trying to mix chems, agitate and keep an eye to temps and times all at once so was quite worried but they seem to have come out fine! there doesn’t seem to be any color cast (unless one appears over night while they dry!) and this despite having not stored those two rolls very well at all…

    will scan tomorrow and see…


    Isabella wrote:

    finally got to it today! lots of sloshing about with hot water, trying to mix chems, agitate and keep an eye to temps and times all at once so was quite worried but they seem to have come out fine! there doesn’t seem to be any color cast (unless one appears over night while they dry!) and this despite having not stored those two rolls very well at all…

    will scan tomorrow and see…

    So how did the negs turn out.


    here are some of the negs, scanner is a bit poor so as negs not perfectly flat focus is a wee bit off in patches.. have adjusted a tad in photoshop also – brightness, shadow highlight as scan much darker than when you hold up to light! haven’t had time to clone out dust on all of them either.

    1. bog and motorway by day

    2. bog and motorway at sunset f32 32sec exposure

    3. bog and motorway at night f32 64sec exposure

    all shot on fuji velvia 50 ISO, in date but not refrigerated for 2 months
    Graflex century graphic 100mm Zeiss Tessar
    Tetenal colortec E6 kit


    Cool, always good to get negs after using something new. Scanning the negs can be a bit tricky too, I’ve played around with the scanning software to a point that I am almost happy with.. Sometimes I do go in a change settings in the scanning software to get a better result. Trial and error… Haven’t developed anything in the last couple of weeks.. Need to get a fix soon.. :-)


    good results isabella!

    im definitely going to give e-6 a try !

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