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Developing problem

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Developing problem

  • magic

    Ok today is my first time developing film .Im new in to all this .

    I dont know where i messed up , Was it the camera or my developing. Help please all the pics turned out like this” onclick=”;return false;


    I would reckon you need to give more detail on the process is this a film scan, it looks like it.


    i developed the film and put it threw a film and slide scanner and thats the way they turned out some came out in a purple colour others in a black and white shade.

    Would it be i used the wrong chemical, The bottle of developer is old and no label on it.


    More info always good – what film, what developer, rough outline of the process you followed,



    Kodak gold 35mm 200speed

    I put it in the tank with developer for 6mins . Than fixxer for 10 mins and flushed it out with water for 15 mins.

    I just had a look where i store my stuff and seen “colour developer part B” i take it this should of been pre mixed with the developer i put in first. oops!!! lol


    If its colour you really need to give way more info. Have you done any b/w?


    cramp wrote:

    If its colour you really need to give way more info. Have you done any b/w?

    Agree. Black and white relatively easy to process, but many more variables with colour processing, including temperature control. Haven’t felt the need to torture myself with colour processing to date, but a few people here have dabbled with their own c41 processing, so perhaps they will be able to chime in to assist,



    cramp wrote:

    If its colour you really need to give way more info. Have you done any b/w?

    Well today was my first time doing this. Im thinking i missed a stage in the hole developing part. Like i said i used a developer than a fixer , The label from the developer is gone so ill have to get a new bottle to make sure its not the wrong type im using.Is this stuff normaly pre mix.

    I take it with B/W you mean black & white.


    Black and white is a relatively basic process of developer, stop bath and fixer. Not sure what the colour process is, but I would recommend checking the documentation on the colour kit you used to develop, and review against what you actually did


    Can i suggest you give black and white a go first of all, have a look on youtube for some video, try and keep the chemicals at the required temp including the stop, fixer and wash for practice.

    I have used the Tetenal products for colour with ok results.” onclick=”;return false;


    my god,u process kodak clolor flm for 6mins?the recommend time for c41 processs is 3:15min and temperature is 37.8(+-0.1) this is the data was given by kodak&fuji film lab.

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