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Diver in Bahamas

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Diver in Bahamas

  • flopsy

    Went to the Bahamas over the summer and rented an underwater camera for the fun of it. It was a lot harder to use than I anticipated. But I managed to get a few pictures that were worth while. Not really sure how to edit unerwater images nor do I know what the best way to take them is. Here is my effort at it anyway. How do I go about reducing the shine on his back, I dont have PS or anything so if anyone wants to have a go themselves they are more than welcome to give it a go.

    C&Cs welcome and appreciated as always!


    I think this is a fantastic photograph, not sure I’d be taking them as well underwater. I would trim out the very top left of the photo, there is something appearing there that is leading my eye, but other than that I think it looks great the way it is.


    I have NO experience of this sort of photography, so can’t suggest how you could improve it in terms of taking it again.

    Things to watch out for though: First of all, it’s a shot of someone’s back. Yes he’s underwater, but does that make it a better photograph? Are you relying on that as it’s selling point? A more considered composition would help enormously. Also watch out for the hotspot/light falling across his back. Waiting a minute more for the person to be out of the speckled light, would have avoided this blown detail.

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