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  • herman

    Photo taken five years ago with Olympus C8080…one of the best cameras a have ever had…

    It was kind of paparazzi shot :-)


    Hi Herman, (“Nice alliteration John” thanks) :)

    This looks like a very good photograph to me.
    Seems to be focussed nicely in the important places.

    Surprised some of our expert Macro & Close up members have had nothing to say about it. :oops:
    I’m not one of those but thought I’d reply to give you a little encouragement.

    Well done.



    I keep coming back to this shot and absolutely love it.


    Very nice! The detail in the face is incredible. Perfect sharposity!

    A bit more depth of field might have been nice to get the two of them into focus.

    The background is also a bit of a negative for me, I’m afraid. What is it, a jacket? Something a little more natural looking would improve this, for me.

    Having said that it’s still an excellent image.


    Yeah, you’re right…it is jacket…now, imagine me, trying to take it off without disturbing my ‘guests’ :-)

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