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Does film have a future ?

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Does film have a future ?

  • KPM

    Thought I’d try get some feedback / opinion on this matter.

    The reason I’m asking is because I have a lovely Bronica 6*7 kit, backs, lenses, grip, AE prism etc., and whereas it gets some use these days, it spends most if its time on the top shelf in my wardrobe!

    Its a rather expensive piece of kit to have lying idle.

    I’m debating with myself whether to sell / trade it in and get a couple of decent lenses for my Nikon kit (both film & digital). My heart says keep it, but my head is saying its fairly redundant as I never use it on jobs.

    Any thoughts ?




    I think there are two or more questions here! Firstly, does film have a future? Secondly, should you sell your Bronica kit?

    For what it’s worth, I think film will be around for the forseeable future. When photography was first “invented” people said painting would end. When CD’s came on the market it was supposed to have spelled the death knell of vinyl. Neither has happened and I think film will continue to be available, albeit as a niche product. Film has a different look to digital and there are time when that look is preferable. It is still the only viable option for infrared photography unless you get a modified digital camera (one with the AA filters removed).

    Should you sell your Bronica gear? I’ve been asking myself that question too about my Bronica ETRSi. But my lenses are as good as new and I still shoot film occassionally. If I were to seel it now, I doubt very much that I would get anything much for my kit – it’s of more value for me to keep it than it is to sell it. And there are digital backs available to fit the ETRSi (do a google search for “Aptus” and “Bronica”), so that’s an option I still have open to me and one I’d like to pursue at some time in the future. So I won’t be selling my Bronica kit just yet. SHould you sell yours? Only you can decide that!


    Well theres two big parts to your post.
    Yes film does have a future, especially b+w. Ilford are actually adding new products to their range. But its becoming a niche product. It will always be around in some shape or form. The forum continues to grow at a high rate.

    Should you sell your Bronica? Only you can answer this and you arent going to come to any great conclusion if you’re not using it. I would suggest you load up your bag and do a few days shooting with it and see how it goes for you.
    Personally I wouldnt sell it, but then again I’ve hasselblads that I’m happy to continue using.

    If you do sell it you might be surprised how little you get for it. Try for a trade-in or commission sale if you do decide that road.


    With the film question I can say that as someone who really got interested in photography via digital,
    I have since bought a 35mm and Medium format camera. I feel that I?ve missed something by skipping
    film. I think that this is a growing trend now with new photographers.

    Film should be safe for years to come.



    Everyone seems to have the same opinion and i would agree, film is going to be around for a long time. The Bronica is a lovely camera and selling it would give you a very small return. I would suggest you hold on to it and set it aside for a special project maybe using slides or B&W, infrared or something you would not normally shoot.
    I have a fair collection of cameras and often think about selling some because of insurance costs, but once i handle them and fire off the shutter a few times i change my mind quickly. Best of luck.


    Cling-film will always have uses.

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