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Down by the Canal

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Down by the Canal

  • Ballyman

    These nuts and bolts hold the lock gate to the ground on the royal canal. Dunno if this is abstract, landscape or just plain rubbish! Any comments/tips etc. greatly appreciated.



    I hate to look and not reply, like you I am only beginning so I am not technical. Not sure if it would look a bit better if all the bolts were in focus, or maybe the front ones in focus and the back ones blurred?? As I said I haven’t a clue tech wise. Its hard isn’t it?


    Thanks genie. It looks a little crappy alright the more I look at it!! I got that exposure book yesterday so I must start reading it.

    Noely F

    The general shot is having the front in focus and blurring towards the back…but this isnt always the case, it depends on the subject and comp really :wink: I like this image, the tones and texture are lovely, pity you cant change the focus :D


    Cheers for that. I was trying to just pick out the middle nut and blurr all the others. Didn’t quite work out properly though for me! :)

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