Hi Guys, never really tried this kind of shot before. Went to see this band at the weekend. Would welcome your comments.
I was fairly pleased to get a reasonable mix between the flash and the ambient light which wernt all that powerful.
Hi John, you’re right. they’re well balanced, maybe too well- The flash seems to be the dominant source. any sense of atmosphere provided by the (admittedly meagre) stage lighting has been lost- Sometimes you just have to crank up the iso and take a chance- The band probably all know what they look like, but they might be interested to see how they look in the spotlight- these shots maybe just don’t do it- perhaps you have some more, without flash?
I see the drummer is going for the Magnum PI look? :D
I do have more Joseph but they are not sharp. I had the camera at iso 800 my camera S3pro does not do that well at 1600. The lighting was just 6 small 500w cans on the floor pointing up so without any flash the shadows would have been very ugly to say the least. I know I posted these in the Gig section but my main reason for taking the shots was to play around at balancing and bouncing flash. If I was taking these images at a party after a wedding for example I would be pleased with the results.
nice shots, I’d say the same bout the flash, takes away a bit, maybe cover the flash with a piece of white paper even to bring it down a bit, even if its bad at 1600, , noise reduction software could tidy it up alot. i like the first the most, nice captured moment