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Dublin Metro Cine & Camera Club

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Dublin Metro Cine & Camera Club

  • Metro Eamon

    I joined a club called the Pius X Camera Club in early 1960s. It met in the church hall attached to Pius X church in Terenure. I was the youngest member at maybe 11 or 12 years old. After a short while some members left Pius and formed the Metro Cine and Camera Club. There were a lot of debates about the name!. it met in the church hall attached to Francis Street church, with the sound of tap dancing children in the next room.

    A man called John Kelly, who had a religious picture business in Terenure built, dark rooms.

    I stopped attending the club after a year of two, but not before making a film in which i played a delinquent teenager rescued by football. Mostly shot by John from a plywood box fixed to the roof of his Austin Cambridge. Does anyone remember the club, or any of the people involved?



    Metro Eamon wrote:

    I joined a club called the Pius X Camera Club in early 1960s. It met in the church hall attached to Pius X church in Terenure. I was the youngest member at maybe 11 or 12 years old. After a short while some members left Pius and formed the Metro Cine and Camera Club. There were a lot of debates about the name!. it met in the church hall attached to Francis Street church, with the sound of tap dancing children in the next room.

    A man called John Kelly, who had a religious picture business in Terenure built, dark rooms.

    I stopped attending the club after a year of two, but not before making a film in which i played a delinquent teenager rescued by football. Mostly shot by John from a plywood box fixed to the roof of his Austin Cambridge. Does anyone remember the club, or any of the people involved?


    Interesting. Maybe some of the people involved with your club later joined the Dublin Camera Club would be worth checking out.



    I would suggest calling into John or Louise Gunn in Gunns Camera Shop on Wexford Street and having a chat with them. If they don’t know themselves I bet they could put you in touch with someone that will know.


    Metro Eamon wrote:

    I joined a club called the Pius X Camera Club in early 1960s. It met in the church hall attached to Pius X church in Terenure. I was the youngest member at maybe 11 or 12 years old. After a short while some members left Pius and formed the Metro Cine and Camera Club. There were a lot of debates about the name!. it met in the church hall attached to Francis Street church, with the sound of tap dancing children in the next room.

    A man called John Kelly, who had a religious picture business in Terenure built, dark rooms.

    I stopped attending the club after a year of two, but not before making a film in which i played a delinquent teenager rescued by football. Mostly shot by John from a plywood box fixed to the roof of his Austin Cambridge. Does anyone remember the club, or any of the people involved?


    Any update on this Eamon? Did you find out any info?

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