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Dublin Zoo: Gray Wolf

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Dublin Zoo: Gray Wolf

  • joe_elway

    Like the Amur Tigers, I could watch these guys all day. The light was a bit tricky but I had to take a shot when I could. This wolf tends not to be the most photographer friendly of the pack and doesn’t stick around long. Wish I had a second chance tyo recompose … less ont he top and maybe slightly more space in front of the snout.

    If you like wolves and wolf film/photography, then you gotta check this out: Animal Planet and Discovery have it on regular rotation.


    Is nice shot joe. Shame about all the light on the nose.


    Nice shot Joe, so much better than my effort in semi darkness last week. I was trying to get this one too
    but he wasn’t very cooperative and kept turning his back on me. :(



    Rob wrote:

    Nice shot Joe, so much better than my effort in semi darkness last week. I was trying to get this one too
    but he wasn’t very cooperative and kept turning his back on me. :(


    It took me many trips to get this one of this wolf earlier this year. The shaggy white wolf is very cooperative. Early int he morning you can get some interesting but brief chances with them. They’re very alert and constantly trying to see into other areas, especially when other animals like the Lions start kicking off.

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