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dublinstudios in business ?

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dublinstudios in business ?

  • gerardk

    Anyone know if are still open for business (the one on o’connell st opposite the spire) ? Their website ( is down and I get emails bounced back, have texted the number on their card also tried ringing and no joy.

    If it is gone does anyone else know of any similair priced studios in dublin ?


    They went down for a week or two in the past Gerard but it turned out all was well in the end. I imagine it’s the same thing this time round. Give it a couple of days and I’m sure you’ll be able to contact Peter/Johnathon again. My take on it is that the building is already owned by Peter and houses his other businesses (Western Union, Photo development, Internet Cafe and Amustment arcade) so the studio is pretty much rent free. As the initial investment has already been made in the equipment, I can’t see why it could close. There is another studio in Glasnevin, which I have never used or seen, but I know it’s advertised on IMAPP in a few threads – can’t remember exactly who as I haven’t been on IMAPP in ages. But I’m sure a quick search will turn it up.


    Ok thanks – I need it for the 6th and if its booked up or not available that’ll leave me short if I wait around to hear from them – I will try them again tomorrow then look elsewhere. Cheers.


    Just heard back that they are in business ! site and email are down but they are open as usual.


    We’ll have our studio available for hire at the end of August.

    We’re in Park West, Dublin 12 (near the Red Cow) and have a 3 light set up with Umbrellas, Soft Boxes, Flash meter etc. Lights are suspended from the ceiling using the High glide system from Bowens. Studio is 15ft long x 10ft wide. Rates are not set yet but will be below Dublin Studios. Cameras will not be available however, you’ll have to bring your own.

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