EDIT 2: would like to see the point of focus a little further back in the second image. The railings feel as if they’re the point of focus, even factoring in the motion blur.
Just want to point out that the second one is by Cartier Bresson (co-founder of Magnum Photos) which is the inspiration for the first photo.
Really like the second image, with the motion taking away from it just a little for me. Would love to see the cyclist frozen with a faster shutter speed, but c’est la vie :)
I’m sure Henri Cartier Bresson would love to hear this feedback, if he were alive…
Wheres the original image gone? Posting a shot that inspired you, especially by Cartier Bresson, is never a good a idea as you’re only giving people something to compare your shot against!!! And when it involves a legend, it’s just makes it harder…
Sorry about the image disappearing like that. I replaced the image in flick but forgot about this thread.
I’ve also included the shot before the edit of moving the jogger. I know that this is not in the spirit of Cartier Bresson but it was more the composition that inspired me. As I was taking the shot, the HCB image was in my head.