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Electronic Flash For Portraits?

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Electronic Flash For Portraits?

  • Fuzzbubble

    I have started a correspondence course in photography last year and I dont know any other photographers in my area, so I joined this forum to hopefully find a few nice people to chat to and befriend…aaanyways. Seeing that I am trying to study photography on my own it sometimes is difficult to work on my assignments.
    Can anyone tell me what the advantages/disadvantages are of using an electronic flash for portraits?
    I am also asked to obtain 4 photos using light as an inspiration (using photolamp, anglepoise type lamp or by moving a standard lens). I am a bit embarresed, :oops: to what an anglepoise lamp is and I am not sure what they mean by using light as an inspiration…
    Can anyone help?
    Thanks :D



    Welcome aboard Fuzzbubble!

    Munster is a big region – there’s bound to be someone close to you that’s on here too.

    Maybe you might use this for inspiration, it worked for me when I first heard it and I still remind myself of it every so often. It might not make immediate sense to you, but it’s worth mulling over –

    “Photograph the light!”

    Oh, that reminds me of another phrase – “Look for the shadows”

    An anglepoise lamp is nothing more than a tungsten bulb in a shade fixed to arms that allow you place it in a lot of different positions, often used as a desk lamp.

    – Thorsten


    Fuzzbubble…first off welcome to PI. Maybestick a post in Introductions so more people wil see it.

    If you read through the site you will see there are no shortage of experienced people ready and willing to share their knowledge on here. So jump in and ask away and share what you can in return.



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