I like textured shots too but I find that they can be difficult to get right. I like this texture and it’s an interesting effect but I’m not sure that it adds anything to the image underneath. For me, images I have seen which have used textures for best effect have been moody, dark images and the texture adds another layer of mood or highlights the original mood. An engagement (I think) should be brighter and cheerier!
that’s true. i was just playing around and i was getting tired of the usual gaussian blur/diffused glow shots so i thought this might be different. i may go back and look for some moody shots. thanks, kevin. when are you going to give this workshop then?
I would have thought that a nice diffused glow would suit this! Maybe try boosting the constast a tad and adding a vignette of some sort to make sure the ring is the centre of attention?
I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for my workshops! :lol:
Nice idea, but I don’t think the texturing works. The light isn’t great either maing it a bit flat. I’d also try a more severe crop in landscaqpe to take out the jeans in the b/g as they are distracting – then use some processing to boost.