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Enhancing Contrast

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Enhancing Contrast

  • drunken_spartan

    some great tips there…..just a question
    when using a different curves adjustment layer for highlights/ said to use one would this be positioned on the left third mark on the curve for shadows(and drag the point down)? and also if so would you add another stationary point on the midpoint of the line to stop the curve affecting the highlights?


    well the way i do it

    because there is a mask, i put one point in the centre of the the line

    the mask takes care of it not affecting the parts i dont want it to affect


    stcstc wrote:

    …it gives less of a colour change than using an s curve

    If you use a curves adjustment layer and set its mode to “Luminosity” instead of “Normal”, it will avoid colour changes. The same is true for Levels. Alternatively, immediately after using the Curves or Levels command, go to Edit | Fade and change the blend mode there to “Luminosity”.

    As has already been mentioned, Curves does the same (and more) as Levels only better as you have much more control with Curves.


    add a curves layer (but don’t touch the curve). Change the blend mode of this layer to “Soft-light”, reduce opacity to taste.
    You can get a more refined look by changing the curve (I’ll often lift the bottom left of the curve, the origin on the graph, up the vertical axis about 10%). You can also use a mask with the original picture in or just brush bits in and out, sooo many ways :)

    This will give more “Punch” to the shots in colour and contrast.



    yikes lots of gold here…gonna have to try and plough through these tips here later on…

    as a side question….
    I use calculations to convert to black and white? any other/superior methods?

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