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Equipment for rent?

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Equipment for rent?

  • 121FOTO

    Is there any place in Cork that would rent equipment? I’m looking at getting a second Nikon body for a wedding.


    Seems unlikely, I asked in MacSweenys a few months ago and they pointed me to Conns in Dublin :(


    250 euro for a D700?? Is this a joke or what??


    Remember that they’re not really in the rental business.
    Shops that ‘rent’ out gear are hoping that you will purchase. I’m sure if you were
    to purchase afterwards, they’d probably deduct the 250 from the price.

    Also this is very expensive equipment which could get damaged and all that…



    I understand that they are not in the “rental” business but sometime sacrifices have to be made in order to attract customers. After seeing how much they charge for a rental you can be sure that they lost me as a client. If they are not in the rental business then just dont do it. Asking for 250 euro is like a laugh in our face… I checked with a friend in France. The local camera shop ( and we are talking about a small town) is renting the D700 for 42 euro/day. Our Paddy thinks that we are stupid enough to pay 125 euro/day. is back to the same question. WHY in the name of God are the prices so high in Ireland???

    I also accept the fact that it is an expensive equipment but let’s not forget that they take a deposit equal with the value of the camera.
    It is all greed and no wonder most people will prefer to go to UK or other countries to buy equipment :(. Shame.

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