A lot of you may already know about this, but I’ve noticed quite a few posts saying that Exif details were not available on certain shots where I have been able to view them. I came across this extension for Firefox (It’s also available for IE..see the developers website) recently and it works really well. Just right clicking any image brings up all available Exif details in a separate window.
Is the link above to a product called Opanda IExif Viewer? That’s the product I use. It’s available (free) for Internet Explorer and Firefox (I use both) and as well as showing you the Exif header it also shows the IPTC header (and the GPS header too, if available).
Is the link above to a product called Opanda IExif Viewer? That’s the product I use. It’s available (free) for Internet Explorer and Firefox (I use both) and as well as showing you the Exif header it also shows the IPTC header (and the GPS header too, if available).
I used Opanda but it stopped working when I got a Firefox update recently.
The other one, mentioned by Expresbro didn’t used to work and now does!