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Extreme Macro

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Extreme Macro

  • markst33

    This is a shot of the gills on the underside of a mushroom taken using a 50mm prime and a Bellows. Its pretty amazing how close in you can get to items to make them appear as you have never seen them before.

    There are a number of obstacles to overcome when using a bellows.

    1. No AF
    2. No metering
    This is because the bellows is between your lens and your camera.
    3. Very little light to help you focus manually because you are so close to the subject
    4. Extremely shallow DoF even when stopped down to F16 or higher

    But this makes it all the more satisfying when you get an identifiable in focus image

    You can see the exact same mushroom taken in the same position on the same night using a 90mm macro lens here to see how much closer you can get. mushroom-t53662.html


    Amazing, it almost doesn’t even look organic anymore. Almost like sheets of metal or something. I’d imagine that technique would open a world of possibilities for abstracts…

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