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FAO Jess the Springer (we got a new dog!)

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FAO Jess the Springer (we got a new dog!)

  • Helen

    We got this lovely Springer Spaniel last week from the Limerick Animal Welfare in Kilfinane Co. Limerick and our almost 3 year old daughter adores him. His name is Casper and he is a sweet natured dog


    Enjoy many happy times together :) dogs are great and having spent more of my life with a dog than without, I think they are a great pet for children to grow up with :)


    Aw Helen, he’s lovely. Black and white too, my favorite. All the best with him.

    He looks a sweet natured boy. Springers are great around kids, Jess is getting so good around them… It’s hard for them when they are puppies not to get over excited, especially around little kids.

    They look like they are going to be the best of friends.

    Your little girl looks so much bigger than the last pictures I saw of her. She’s a dote! He’s a dote! Two dotes!


    Hi Jess,

    he is sweet but very very energetic and bouncy.

    If you have any tips on how to calm him down – would love to hear from you!


    It’s in their nature Helen, they need heaps of exercise. Jess (almost two) needs at least 90 mins every day, or she will turn into a chewing machine!!

    Do you know much about his background? If he is coming from a rescue shelter, it’s possible he may have a few issues, but these can be worked through.

    The big thing is not to make a fuss of him as soon as you see him, or as soon as you return from work/being out… and don’t let anyone else do it either… if he’s jumping up, bouncing, getting excited, just ignore him, don’t even look at him, and defo don’t shout at him… he will get the message, pretty quickly too, and go and sit down some where, after he does this, give him 5 mins… continue to ignore him, and then make a huge fuss of him, rub his chest (not his head) and tell him he’s a good Casper! You should notice a difference in him very quickly. It’s very effective.

    When you are leaving the house, make sure you all walk out the door in front of him, even your little girl. If he bounces out past you, grab him by the collar, take him back in shut the door and make him sit (don’t forget the praise when sits) and try again. The same goes for entering the house. This is a leadership thing, dogs are really happy to be at the bottom of the pack. If you let him lead, he spend all his time being stressed and worried.

    Always, always make sure you eat before he does, make him see you eat, if you are feeding him at a time when you are not eating, even just eat half a biscuit or something, and never feed him from the table… again this is a leadership thing. Some people might even suggest putting you hand in his food, I think this is ok with puppies but with a rescue dog of this age, I don’t think I would, at least not at this early stage anyway.

    Don’t let him up on any of the furniture… Give him his own bed. Jess sleep in the kitchen and then has another blanket she lies on in the living room.

    If you can do these thing, all the time, it should help calm him down.

    I’d also strongly suggest you read, Jan Fennell. She has some great, very easy to follow techniques for training, 100% positive too, no shouting and defo no hitting. She has done a lot of work with rescue dogs over the years.
    Also Dr Bruce Fogle ‘The Dogs Mind’ very informative and in parts very funny too.

    Stick with it Helen, he looks such a sweet dog.


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