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Fashion Museum, Paris

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Fashion Museum, Paris

  • wjklewis

    C & C Welcome as always


    Hello again wkjlewis,

    sorry the last post got so frantic, thats the power of a picture for you. I like this shot, though as you know, there are an infinite number of ways to look at it- though not now, cos you’re hundreds of miles away.

    just one tiny thing- maybe taking away that small triangle of lit pavement under the column might lend more weight to the base of the picture, and keep the eye in the picture more. The tiniest crop.

    Anyway, you’re working on film, so I hope you’re getting some nice prints, which is probably more than the majority of the pictures posted here will ever be- thats the danger of digital for you- I always have to remind myself that a print and a monitor are two completely different things-



    Hi Joseph thanks. this photo was taken at the front left hand entrance. The other photo we have been talking about was taken at the rear to this building. The building only has occasional exibitions but this was not well sign posted, at least to the me who dosent speak french. My wife and I went around the back to look for another entrance and that is when we came upon the guy in the photo.

    Many thanks John.

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