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fashion photography

  • veronica

    This is a photo which I took for a uni project. The final product was to be a fashion spread on 70’s clothes. I choose to shoot some of the shots on sunbeds as in the 70’s, tans where all the rage. The model is doing a John Travolta dance move from Saturday night fever, which helps show off the material. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


    Hi Veronica (welcome to the forum :) )

    I’m no expert on fashion. There are a few in here who are and I’m sure they’ll be able to
    give you some meaningful critique, but just a couple of things which would improve the
    shot. One being the diagonal line on the bottom right. You should try and remove it
    Also the eye is drawn to the marks on the top of the photograph just over her arm.
    You might want to upload a small image as that one is huge when you click on it :)

    Good exposure. Out of interest, were you using film ?



    great thanks. no i was using digital. it was my first attempt ever, i jumped in at the deep end.

    why did that photo i uploaded come up as b&w as it is a colour photo! is there a way of uploading colour photos?


    No idea Veronica, its just a 3rd party hosting site thats being used.

    Its looks good as b+w though :) Very retro.

    You could try storing your photos on someone like flikr or imageshack or something.

    One of the member posted this information which might be useful.



    oh yeah i never thought of that, i do have photos on a flickr site already. cool thanks


    Hey Veronica,

    Welcome to the forum. This shot isn’t for me i’m afraid. The final product was supposed to be a fashion spread on 70s, ideally
    the entire dress should be on display. It’s in black and white also, straight away you have taken something away from the dress.
    The focus looks to be on a small section of fabric in the middle of the picture, i would definitely tru and keep as much detail as possible in a fashion shoot.
    . Fingers are positioned in a manner that make them chopped off – you should make sure that fingers are evenly spread out if you can and
    all on display. As Mark pointed out, the line is distracting and does not depict a sun bed, you should be able to clone this out no problem.
    Hope this helps.



    I think its a great idea but not really sure that it works for me. I think the hand nearest the camera looks a bit funky with that angle, i like the detail and the texture and contrasts of the picture though – they do show the clothes off quite well imo. It looks like with a slightly different angle & crop it would have been a lot stronger an image.



    you will find my photo in colour as it should be here

    thanks for all your replys, there really helpful and encouraging

    (Edit – Mark)
    This should work. Veronica, you can link directly too. If you go to your image on Flickr and right-click properties it should give you the link for the photo. I did it and got

    Then removed the ?v=0 and hey presto :)


    Hi Veronica – that link isnt working for me (have to go out the door now but will check back later).



    i have a mac and it doesn’t seem to be letting me do what your able to do, i can only put a link to a specific photo :x


    To me it looks like the model is pointing to her feet ,I have a funky pair of shoes in mind when I look at that shot.:)


    Hello Veronica
    Personally this shot would not have being out of place in any upmarket boutique in the 60’s/70’s the color/tone/contrast is of that of that era,not really to sure if it would have a place in todays uber subjective fashion houses. I would agree with some of the comments above but photography like anything is subjective and all you need to focus on is the clients agenda and direction. Next time maybe try these tips
    (1) Keep model upright and keep hands along hips adding form and shape to the dress.
    (2) Make sure to include as much of the dress as possible as detail area should be given significance ie:Beading etc..
    (3) Check out images from Mary Quant (that of the mini skirt fame) the images shot by her in-house photographer would be very inspiring to you if you like this look.
    Great work veronica,stick with it..
    Ben :)

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