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Female Chaffinch

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Female Chaffinch

  • joe_elway

    Same branch as last time, different model:


    Oh that is SHARP!! :D Even has little catchlights in her eye. Lovely exposure as well Aiden. :D

    Alan Rossiter

    Jaysus Aidan, you’ll have to post a tutorial on how to get images like these. The chaffinch looks almost curious. Are you compiling a reference book? At this stage you could do.

    I’m deflated. I’ve tried but these are too good. :(


    Such a beautiful bird! Cracking shot!


    Thanks folks.

    I could probably do a phone listing for all the Chaffinches in north Wexford by now :-) I was actually out to try get some Yellowhammers that have become semi-regular at picking up spilled food under the feeders. Only problem is that the hide is working too well and they’re landing too close to me. I’d need a porthole at ground level and use 180mm macro lens to shoot them. Cute little buggers too.

    My latest contract is flexi time and has me working from home so I might be able to head out and try get some Stonechats and Reed Buntings, assuming there are any left in the local reserve … it’s a weird ol’ place. I’ll see how things go first … tonnes of gardening to catch up on first.


    Bloody hell this is good. You must have almost hit her in the head with the lens taking this Aidan! :) Amazing quality. Care to share the exif!? Where did you buy your hide as a matter of interest?


    The hide ( ) was from Wildlife Watching Supplies in the UK. I think I shot it at around 300 or 350mm. Think I was up to ISO 400 at the time and F7.1. It’s cropped down from 8MP to over 5MP. I tend not to fill the frame when shooting wildlife even if I can … you just don’t know what way they’ll move and what you’ll miss as a result.

    I really didn’t think the shots would be any good from this shoot. I was seriously nearly asleep in the hide and the light just didn’t seem good to me. Having a beer with dinner took what little energy I had right out of me but I was determined to give my new tripod a workout.

    Noely F

    Quality stuff Aidan….brilliant capture :wink:


    Incredible. Brilliant.


    Fanbloodytastic Aidan. Incredible feather detail there.
    That’s one seriously sharp image…



    Thank you all! I’ll do my best to do an encore if Mother Nature presents me with the opportunity.

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