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Finally back online

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Finally back online

  • Mark

    Been offline since Thursday evening, not good :)
    The floods here in Bandon knocked out the eircom exchange so no phones/internet.

    Now to read my emails :)


    Mark wrote:

    Been offline since Thursday evening, not good :)
    The floods here in Bandon knocked out the eircom exchange so no phones/internet.

    Now to read my emails :)

    Internet by carrier pigeon?

    Bad news, Mark. You seem to be getting a bad battering in the deep south.

    It’s been bad here, but we are getting used to it the last few years.

    The scenes from Cumbria were scary.


    Ya, worst in living memory here apparently. Very fortunate that I live on a
    bit of a hill. Tried getting to work yesterday but after around 2.5hrs of trying
    to find a route I just gave up.

    People are busy trying to clean up in the main street in the town.
    Business’s severly damaged, total mess. Like they don’t have enough
    to cope with these days and the run up to Xmas.

    Still on the plus side I didn’t hear of anyone getting hurt !

    miki g

    Bandon seems to have got more than their fair share of it judging from the news. It must be absolutely awful for home owners and shops etc in the runup to xmas.

    Internet by carrier pigeon?

    Internet by ducks more like. :shock:

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