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First attempt at macro

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First attempt at macro

  • Alfamale

    Here are some shots from my first attempt at macro … please give me some feedback, what you like, don’t like, what worked, what didn’t, etc.

    Thanks, Alfa


    Hi Alfa, the first shot has very shallow dof, not sure where the point of focus
    is on it, as my eyes are not the best it makes me a bit dizzy as I am trying to
    bring it into focus… I wont dwell to long on that one, the next three are
    very similar and a strange colour, I am wondering if you used a filter or warmed
    it up a bit? I like the second shot composition wise, but I think they are all a
    bit on the soft side, maybe you intended it that way?

    Anyway keep shooting and posting :)


    And once again, thanks for the feedback Shutterbug!

    No, no intention for soft focusing – I think I probably was a bit too ambitious with the close focussing and ended up with an extremely shallow dept of field as you point out.

    These were shot by natural sunlight and a white reflector and no filters were used – AFAIK, this is the actual colour of the flower – I remember it being a muted orange colour – the last three are all the same flower by the way!


    i agree there is a focus issue with the 1st shot. shots 3 and 4 are nice… but for me the 2nd is by far the best . sharpen it up a bit and increase the contrast , bring out those shadows ! maybe play around with the levels/ curves .stick a white and black border around it and hey presto :)

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