Hi All
I was asked to do a wedding at the weekend , first time ever. Was quite nervous as i normally do landscapes and the good thing about them is that the dont usually move around too much or get bored. This was after the ceremony and i was feeling a bit more relaxed at this point.
I have a lot of formal shots but did try and get a few candids that i will post later.
Opinions greatly appreciated as this is an area i might like to move into.
Thanks for the comment. The bride and bridsemaids were complaining of being quite cold, dont know if that could affect the skin tone. Could be an effect of fake tan.
Eye contact is good but the groom isn’t doing you many favours with his experession! I’m thinking that they are lacking a bit of warmth, perhaps have a look at colour balance or sats. A touch of contrast may help define them more too. Flowers are soft too – I was wondering if this was deliberate or just DoF?