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First Macro

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First Macro

  • John

    Hi all (specially you noely) I just got my new macro rig and am trying it out. Can you Please give me some feed back for improving the style of shots.
    Cheers. Well here ya go.


    Hi John,

    Nice shots-the second would definately be my favourite.

    On the plus side, the dark background works very well, and you have some great detail in the stamen things (is that what they are? i’m not a botanist…) in the second photo.

    The first doesn’t really give an impression of what you’re looking at, I think it would work better if you had some context of what it was. However, I think you’re on the right track with the droplets etc.

    Did you use a tripod for these shots? I would also try using a smaller aperture to preserve some detail farther into the subject.

    I’m not an expert and am just starting to take macro shots aswell but hope this helps.

    Keep up the good work!


    Thanks for that I got a Russian macro kit on E-Bay so still trying to figure out how it works. Will try playing with the aperture more. Needless to say the instructions were not doing me any good. :D

    Noely F

    all thats missing is the sharpness……shoot at higher iso’s and use an aperture of f9 or more to bring more of the subject into focus. Is this the Russian close up filters you’re using?


    Yeah. It has a manual apperature on the front of the lens. All it seems to do is lighten or darken the picture. Seems to have a VERY narrow focal area. Here is a pic of the kit


    That’s some rig alright-
    Depth of field will be tiny,
    but it will be helped slightly by stopping down-

    I’d say you could afford to go to f/16 or more on that one-


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