This is my first attempt using a proper macro lens (well, technically my second attempt!). I would welcome any feedback, and I don’t think i really got the shot I was looking for.
Bonus points for those who can name the flower!
Canon 60mm macro at f2.8
I’ve never done a macro Steve so feel free to roll your eyes and call me a tosser. I think you loose a lot of detail in the DOF. a very narrow band of infocus stamen and petal (not a botanist either) is visible. Don’t ask me how to fix that one with a macro.
Alan, believe it or not, the shallow DoF was intentional! I wanted to have just the little bobbles (the technical term!) in focus, with everything else OoF. However, it seems that it looks more like a technical error than anything else!
Back to the drawing board!! :lol: Thanks for the feedback.