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First Pics posted – c&c please

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First Pics posted – c&c please

  • Leo

    Hi all,

    This is the first time I’ve posted pics here, (or anywhere for that matter!!!) These are some I took earlier today

    I know that the tecnical side can do with a bit of work, but what I’m trying to do is get my composition straightened out a bit first. The way I look at it is, a picture may be tecnically perfect, but without composition, it’ll never be a good photo.

    Don’t hold back, unless the c&c is honest and brutal, I’ll never learn anything!

    Leo Lionsden


    Second one doesn’t do much for me. The angle on the church doesn’t really show enough of the church and the way to church is vut in half is a bit annoying.

    I do like the first one though. The weather looked great and you’ve presented a very appealing picture of the church itself. The foreground interest (namely the pool) is good becuase it has some stones in it for texture. You maybe could have even included more of this pool by moving to the right and hence not having the tree interfere with the church so much.

    Maybe the whites of the clouds are a tad too bright but apart from that and the tree being just a bit too much in front of the church its a very good shot.

    Welcome to the site, great first post. Hope to see lots more from you.



    In terms of composition, yes, either more or less of the tree. Perhaps more of the tree would work and is certainly worth an experiment.

    There also appears to be an interesting wall behind the tree – might be worth exploring. I like the way the pool meets at the corner of the shot – though for some that might be too much symmetry. You could try a perspective that includes more of the pool up this side of the photograph.

    The vertical lines need fixed – the lampost and the bollard and (to a lesser extent) the church itself. Plus, try using the curves tool in Photoshop to put a bit more punch into teh sky.

    As concerns the 2nd, this is an interesting concept to explore further – but can get a bit difficult with converging vertical lines.

    Keep them coming!


    Thanks for the comments and suggestions, much appreciated…

    On the second pic,… I wasn’t particularly happy with it myself, not really sure why I posted it. … :?

    On the first pic, I felt there was something not quite right with it, but I wasn’t sure what it was. I now have a better idea,ie tree, lamp post, bollard etc.

    Unfortunately, I’m useless with photoshop, I tend to make things worse rather than better so a bit of work needed there..

    I’ll try a few more shots with your suggestions and post them again, hopefully improved.

    Thanks again,… Leo.


    Theres a good few photoshop tutorials on peter cox’s website. He’s a member of the forum here. He has good advice on his website and might be worth checking out if you need some help with post processing techniques.


    Thanks, I’ll check his site out.

    P.S. I’ve just found out that apparently both the lamp post and the bollard are crooked because they both been hit by cars !!!…. Guess I’d better leave them out of any future shots.



    dunno about leaving them out. You’ll probably just have to move ur shots to the documentary section :wink:


    lionsden wrote:

    I’ve just found out that apparently both the lamp post and the bollard are crooked because they both been hit by cars !!!


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