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  • paulbmcv

    let loose the dogs of war!!!!


    Nice set of portraits

    I like the first one the best pose and smile are very nice. the other three might have a bit of overexposure in them on the nose and arms.

    I do like the last one as well I know some people get very uppity about distracting backgrounds but i think thats a personal taste thing to greater and lesser extents.

    I dont get to do many portraits so take my comments with a pinch of salt :)


    I like them. the second two seem to have a magenta hue to them, is that intentional? did you edit them or was this a result of your WB setting?
    If you are editing, I would clone out the couple of blemishes.
    Nice job.


    Great looking model and you have captured her well, especially in the first picture.

    There’s no doubt however that these pictures are all overexposed. While I’m not too familiar with studio lighting, I’m guessing you used a strobe on the background to ‘blow it out’ and make it white. It’s not something I’m keen on but you could probably get away with some level of overexposure there without too many problems. The area where the exposure matters most is the face and you can see that the reds have blown as well, meaning that you lose the subtle detail in the skin.

    All that aside, getting natural-looking expressions is probably the most difficult bit and you’ve done that well!

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