Used the camera to take 50 or 60 shots in the back garden. mostly rubbish. The 1 or2 I liked were close ups of wild flowers (a fancy word for weeds). In one of the photos the background grass was blue. Now I like “blue grass” but I dont understand how the camera knew that!!!!!!!. Photo not posted yet as it will take me some time to learn how. :?:
The blue grass would more likely than not be down to whatever white balance setting you used (assuming your camera allows manual setting of white balance). If you shot RAW you could adjust that so the grass returned to it’s original green state, or you could just adjust your white balance and retake the shot.
Also of course it could be that someone just spilled a tin of blue paint on your grass… :wink:
Well my previous camera to my D80 was the Fuji S5600 (the predecessor to yours) and that has a lot of DSLR features such as manual white balance and can shoot raw as well. So like Mark said, you may have inadvertently set the WB to Tungsten (standard light from a lightbulb). Make sure it’s set to Sunny, or cloudy or whatever to suit the prevailing conditions and try again. It’s a pretty versatile camera so you should be able to sort it fairly easy.