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Friday Humour – sure why not

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Friday Humour – sure why not

  • Rob

    Brilliant stuff everyone. Laughed my head off all the way through this
    thread. A great way to finish off my Friday evening…



    I’ll bite on the techie one…

    There’s only 10 kind of people in the world – those who know binary and those who don’t.


    I don’t know what a tracker mortgage is!

    Messin on the nightlink:


    The only word for that: Deadly!


    Sorry, what’s this ad for?


    Just cottoned on to this thread now (I’m slow, I know… and it’s a gloomy Friday afternoon) – Gotta say though, Tim Vine is superb, he’s from my neck of the woods in London (tis where I grew up) and I’ve seen him live a couple of times as well as on tv (when I had one). Those one liners, in only the way he can say them, crack me up every time.

    Madra Rua

    Ali wrote:

    lol .. speaking of which – check out I’m kinda gutted i’m a geek too :D It’s a serious romance killer lol.

    Wow! I think my nephew got that R/C helicopter for his birthday on Tuesday!

    He’s six… and when he described me what he got – I got jealous :oops:

    Alan Rossiter

    Here’s one to brighten up Friday 13th. Read it through – it isn’t offensive…

    Thor, the God of Thunder, decided that he needed to sow his wild oats. So, he came down to earth to find a suitable candidate. He happened on a quiet, timid girl who had a speech impediment. “She’s probably a virgin” he says to himself given her timid nature and shyness. Thor, not wanting to worry the girl, kept his identity a secret. They chat and one thing leads to another.

    So eventually they go off after some persuasion :wink: . Thor was a frustrated God…so 6 hours later Thor stops. The timid girl runs out of the room. Thor, feeling somewhat guilty by his passion and secretive nature decides to tell the girl who he is. He stands in the bedroom, fists on his hips. She re enters the room.

    “I’m Thor” he bellows. “Your thor? I’m tho thore I can’t pith”

    Have a good day.

    Madra Rua

    LMAO – still laughing :lol:


    While I was watching the Masters this weekend, my wife and I got into a conversation about life and death, and the need for living wills.
    During the course of the conversation I told her that I never wanted to exist in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and taking fluids from a bottle.
    She got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all my beer.
    Sometimes it’s tough being married to a smart ass :lol:


    that is classic 8)

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