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From night to bright…!

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From night to bright…!

  • Meo

    Like one of the guys posting in ‘landscape’ I was bored too so took myself off to mess with some old photos to see if I can make anything of any of them! Anyway I probably haven’t but help would be appreciated. I was messing with this shot I took a few weeks ago one evening up Killiney hill, just when the light was disappearing, I thought it was too dark to do anything with and while messing in photoshop (still trying to get to know it) I found I could brighten it up and then went a step further and gave it a gossian blur (excuse spelling), what do ye think? A step too far???? I think the second one has an eerie quality to it :?

    Original photo

    Hopefully better photo


    I like it. Its very nice. All that was recovered from the original photo?


    Hi irishhagua thanks, yes all of that was in the foreground, if you look closely at the original you can just make out the rocks but then maybe thats just my eyesight playing tricks on me! It was about 4.30 – 5pm I was on my way home when I saw some guys hanggliding, I raced home grabbed my camera and ran up Killiney hill to pass them all coming down the hill! So anyway I decided to continue and try a few different settings with my camera (still getting to know it too) and I liked this one ‘cos of the colours in the sky and the birds, they were noisy. I was surprised when I downloaded it to see it so dark but then some of them are just totally blown out so I shouldn’t have been that surprised as I was trying different settings. Anyway long story short yes all of that was in the original photo, in photoshop I messed with the following; exposure, fill light (this brought out most of it), black, contrast, vibrance and the others I can’t remember right now!
    Thanks again.


    fair play. definitely looks a very nice picture when the shadows are removed. PS can be very helpful. Unfortunately it can’t save all my pictures… :cry:

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