Brian,the first does nothing for me,but the last three are great.especialy the second”when i saw that we fella,i nearly p****d meself laughing”.he looks freezing,and the title is great.
The last two i also like,but the second is a winner in my book.
Cheers for teh comments. The knome and the alligator are just a few ornaments that are in me garden. I was trying to get the frost clearer on th grass in the first picture but I can understand that its a bit boring. No character to it. Ah well I’ll have to try it again. I think a nice macro shot of Frosty grass would be a nice picture but I agree that that one isn’t quite there yet.
They’re all good. I , for some reason like the last one of the post…. something about the frost working it’s way down. As for #2, it’s a pity he isn’t a monkey…. brass monkeys.. you know!!!