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Frustrated by the breeze.

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Frustrated by the breeze.

  • miki g

    Only managed to get one shot in focus this evening due to the breeze moving the foliage (and failing eyesight). :lol: Very frustrating. :evil:


    This is a fabulous shot. Great detail, colour and spot on sharpness. Love this shot


    What a stunning shot. Creeps me out – whatever it is, but I can’t stop looking at the detail. The detail on the wings and the connection to the body. What lens did you use?

    miki g

    Thanks Alanhunt99 & Mardai24.
    Canon 7D, MP-E 65mm x2 lifesize, 1/125 sec, ISO 100, MR-EX14 ringflash 1/2 power, handheld.
    I cannot remember what species of fly it is. :?

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