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Fujiya & Miyagi

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Fujiya & Miyagi

  • mehfesto

    These are my pictures of Fujiya & Miyagi, perhaps the best band I’ve seen live. They were taken before christmas with my old Fujifilm 6500fd. I was a bit worried about using the camera, incase I got thrown out, but I asked the head security guard at the front and he said it was cool. I’ve never seen so many people produce SLRs so quickly in my life, then!

    They’re a kind of a funky rock-ambience band from Brighton. In the same vein as AIR, I suppose, but funkier. You’ve probably heard they’re stuff on RTE tv ads or in the bakground of some programmes on ITV.

    Anyway, would love to hear some C&C. This is an area tht interests me a whole lot, though I dont get enough chances to practice – mostly due to overl strict security guards!


    I love the light in that first shot.. I might be tempted to lift the exposure a tiny little bit though, do you shoot in raw?
    Lie no.4 as well, the flare is great! Not sure about the red in 2 (but thats just a matter of taste) might be tempted to
    convert to mono and crop a bit off the right.. or left maybe.

    Nice set!



    No. The camera didn’t support RAW.
    I thought #2 was the weakest technically and the colours are rubbish, but I do like it myself for god only knows what reason.

    I have a video of the gig – taken with my camera at the time, that I’ve though about putting up on Flickrs new (controversial) Flickr Videos area.


    I really like this set, all great photos, but as Sinead said a tighter crop on the second would be better compositionally.
    Really likiing 4 aswel, the slow sync flash worked wonders,
    Good stuff :D


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