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Galumgun Festival – Indonesia

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Galumgun Festival – Indonesia

  • GrahamB

    C&C always welcome.
    These were shot using B&W settings in camera.
    No photoshoping at all.
    Hope you like folks


    I’d have loved to see colour versions of these. I can imagine the weaving work pon the basket is very colourful. Third picture for me is very nice. The expressions are brlliant. Second one is really good with the pose but I think its lacking a tiny bit of impact.

    Nice set.

    Alan Rossiter

    So I was right – you can get decent shots from the camera! How were these taken and compressed to get that level of detail and sharpness?

    Nice selection there Graham. I thought we’d seen the last of you around PI what with all else that’s goin’ on. It certainly looks like fun.



    Thanks folks.
    Sorry irishshagua no colour versions of these at all.
    Alan, hows it goin’
    Well all I did was went into to the monochrmoe settings on the camera and set the contrast and
    sharpness to maximum. Flickr simply resized them on upload.
    My Mac went tits up in Malaysia so I have no access to PS. TO be honest I’m loving having to get the shots
    right first time.

    Anyway I’ll be posting more over the next while. Now that I’m back in land of DSL and not Dial-up

    Thanks again guys


    Hey Graham… :D

    Haven’t heard much from ya lately…thought maybe you’d been kidnapped by a gang of Malaysian nuns..heheh!!

    These are great shots…glad to see you are making the most of the trip photographically. I’m liking No.2 the best …gotta love that kids staredown technique :wink:

    Looking forward to seeing more like this over the next few weeks my friend.

    Safe travelling….


    There all great Graham,
    I’m going to have to give monochrome a shot.
    Thanks for the tip :wink:



    Jaysus Robbie. I was thinking you were kinda quiet as well.
    Glad you like the shots man. You would love this part of the world.
    It’s actually really hard trying to decide what not to take a picture of.
    Might be heading home really soon actually before South America so we’ll have to go
    for a pint.

    Jim – thanks for the comments mate. The B+W in the camera was pretty crap until I boosted
    the contrast. I know these aren’t to everyones taste but the B+W is actually exactly how I like it
    , with lots of contrast. So I’m pretty happy with them.


    Graham excellent set!!



    Great set of shots but no 2 and 3 are excellent.



    Thanks folks – glad you like them.

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