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Getting paid by newspapers

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Getting paid by newspapers

  • paul

    You need to chase to get payment, at times. Invoice, reminder invoice, final notice invoice, then phone calls, and if all that still fails, solicitor letter.

    You only know what is printed when you check the papers. It’s never easy and a pain to do. Some people glance over the papers in the shop first thing in the morning to check for images, other buy online subscriptions to services that host all printed papers, so you can scan the pdf versions.

    It’s hard work making money from this stuff.


    You need to chase to get payment, at times. Invoice, reminder invoice, final notice invoice, then phone calls, and if all that still fails, solicitor letter.

    You only know what is printed when you check the papers. It’s never easy and a pain to do. Some people glance over the papers in the shop first thing in the morning to check for images, other buy online subscriptions to services that host all printed papers, so you can scan the pdf versions.

    It’s hard work making money from this stuff.

    Thanks. How do i stand legally when i had no agreement with them. I sent on spec and did not put the copyright notice and standard terms etc. I was actually surprised to find they used it. It was used about a week later with a columnist writing about it

    Also what attitude would be best in a phone call. I hope to have a situation where i can submit again on a get paid as used basis.I am not in a situation to make much money, I just think if they use it they should pay
    Thanks again


    I did not get paid and now i see they have removed the image exif data from the online image. i tried wayback machine and other archives but there is no record of the image with the exif data. is this unusual. why would they go that far to avoid paying/ Is there any other arhcive i can try?



    Regards Ed. aka Wee man


    Excellent, well done ! :)


    Thanks Mark. Had another picture in paper and this time made sure to have the copyright and payment terms in submission. Thanks to all who advised


    I now have had four pictures published and got paid but they have not used anything of mine for ages. Should i ask why or just give up submitting. Or if i have a photo should i email and say i have a pic of x are you interested instead of just sending it in. The picture i have had published are of thing that were in the news or likely to be so i shot and sent. But the ones not published are also newsy items. Thanks


    Editors are editors – sometimes they just take a dislike to someone. Sometimes they are not happy that they were chased for payment (even when payment was rightfully due).

    Just move on. Submit elsewhere.

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