nice shot, but i think the sun is distracting, its the first thing i look at and it should be the waterfall, did you use nd filter for this or a polarizer filter or any
I like this – it has strong composition. I actually like the sun although it is a bit strong. It does draw your attention straight away, but there is definately more to see once you get past it…. I sort of like that.
I have to say that i also like this shot, even with the sun in the top of the shot though it is a tad strong. personally i’d be pleased if i took that shot, !!
You’ve done a great job in controlling the exposure here. It’s an ambitious shot to try and pull off, and it works pretty well.
I’m not certain if the sun itself adds to the shot, but it’s presence has definately added to the mood and those lovely golden waters and the light on the leaves to the right. Have you got one from 10 minutes later when the sun would have moved behind the tree a bit more?
I have several variations without the sun in it, I will try and post one of these up this evening. There seems to be a real split between in opinions on the sun.
Wanted to avoid another bland waterfall shot, and thought the sun might have achieved that, although this may have been too prominent.