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Golden Girl

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Golden Girl

  • paperdoll

    I just got an sx-70 as a birthday present (after a bit of hinting :wink: ) Was too scared to pick it up for a few days, and wasted a rather expensive film pack experimenting :roll: , but really love it…. lots more experimenting needed but this was one of the first few….


    Congrats on the SX-70. Yes it can be expensive to experiment but it’s worth it when you get a good one.


    Thanks Dave :wink: The film was sx-70 blend film from….I believe 600 film is the other type mainly used, but it needs to be modified and an nd filter used ?? Then I read somewhere else that its sufficient to use the light/dark controls to compensate for the faster 600 film. Could you shed any light on this before I waste anymore film? ( :roll: )


    I’m not sure you can get away without using a ND filter unless you electronically modify the light sensor which is difficult to do.

    Here is the official Polaroid notice on the subject.

    There have been many discussions on this in Flickr so t may be a good idea to browse through those too in case someone has found a way.

    I still have a few packs of Time Zero left so haven’t played with 600 in my SX-70 yet but I also have a Pronto B which I stuck a two stop ND filter on and the results were pretty good.


    I wonder if you could us a polarizer. Either way you can get ND filter quite cheap on e-bay. Waiting on my SX-70 , due to arrive any day now.

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