I like the top one,
though I’d be very tempted to crop the right to remove the white bit and shadow person-
that would bring the beacon to the centre too-
I like the frontal light on it, and the shadows to the sides-
Colour is a bit strong, particularly the red in the reflected moonlight…
I like #2 myself with it’s kind painterly / Birthday card look about it :)
Not sure where the pixelation is coming from, I use the Flickr uploader tool as well and have never suffered this sort of thing… even when uploading as 800px….
I think the pixellation is due to the Flickr uploadr tool resizing from full size to 800px. Anyway, I’ve replace them on Flickr with 800px sizes directly from Lightroom and they’re much cleaner now.
jb7, cropped No1 as you suggested, but there was nothing I could do about the colour, that’s how it came out of the camera :o