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Greeting Cards

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Greeting Cards

  • Cubanjunky

    Hi there, I’m looking to buy some cheap coloured aperture cards with coloured envelopes.I checked on ebay but they sell the cards allways with white envelopes.Or will I just buy normal cards and glue my photos on front.Just want to try to sell some cards in the Cafe i work:)


    You will find it hard to get coloured envelopes, you could always make your own though,
    you can buy an envelope template it is made of plastic and you can just cut around it
    with a scalpel and glue the joins, using double sided tape for the opening, coloured paper
    and coloured card readily available in craft shops. Time consuming but if you want them
    matching that would probably be the way to go.


    there used to be a shop in dublin called daintree that sold envelopes in all kinds of colors and papers, dunno if its still there though. quite pricey but beautiful stuff….

    a quick google search for colored envelopes brings up, among many others, which offer envelopes in a variety of colors. hope this helps


    Thank you Jenny and Isabella.I dont think i be making my own envelopes:) But maybe I wont use the aperture cards and will just make my own card and glue the photo on it?

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