Ooh those are lully! Perhaps a bit more of the squirrels facing the lens would have improved them, but still, they are real buggers to shoot. Usually I would kick up a stink about foliage or artifacts obscuring a subject, but I think in the second shot it actually works very well, makes the shot feel sort-of…. Candid. Good work!
I always try to take snaps of squiggles, but they never stand still long enough. Just had a quick root through my snaps and found only one of a red one. I wish I could have got it in a natural shot like yours. Mine was caged :(
Usually I throw in some self-criticism of my own work, but there’s so many things wrong with my snap I won’t bother. I just wanted to prove I actually managed to capture one of the speedy little gits! (After bribing it with food)