I thinks it’s a little red even allowing that the lights were red.
I also think it needs to be a little sharper and I think the subject
is a little close to the LHS of the frame.
If it were mine I would:
1. Desaturate the colour a little bit.
2. Adjust the levels a little bit.
3. Crop (Keep the proportions) so that the distance from his left elbow to the RH edge
of the frame is the same as the distance from his right shoulder to the LH edge of
the frame.
4. Sharpen the image with USM.
This is purely my opinion and could be horsemanure but what the heck.
I really hope you dont mind, but I thought I would take a crack and explain what I did:
1. Levels tool in Photoshop, dragged middle guide to the left slightly to bring up the mid range colors – this helped bring out detail, but did highlight the high iso noise, im guessing you were at 1600, depending on your camera etc…
2. Saturation, -23 in photoshop
3. Noise reduction using Noiseware professional, there are lots of free options here, googling for tutorials on noise reduction in photoshop will help you here
4. Unsharp mask in Photoshop to bring back some edgy detail – This is always best left until last, as its pointless to do it first and then do some operations such as noise reduction that take detail away, to then need to apply it a second time and loose quality, create edge halos etc….