I’ve had 2 rolls of BW developed and scanned in Gunns. The first was Ilford XP2 (C41 BW Film). I was happy enough with the results. Nice clean scans. The second roll was Tri-X and half the scans were covered in dust and scratches – very disapointing. I’m just wondering if there could be a technical reason for why the C41 film came back clean and the Tri-X was dirty (is there a different scanning process for each?) or was it just a bad hair day for the person scanning? Either way I’m bringing back the Tri-X negs and demanding clean scans.
Just guessing here but… The C41 was probably scanned at the same time as it was processed, i.e. It the film went into a machine and print, negs and disk with scans came out the other end without any human interaction. The Tri-X would be hand developed and manually scanned, that?s why there?s a difference. They?re nice people in there though and I?m sure that they wont have any issues with rescanning… It?s still annoying though isn?t it ? by the way what did it cost?