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  • shutterbug

    Just heard on the news that more Red Kites have been found poisoned!

    It is such a shame that these beautiful birds cant be left to re-establish themselves
    in this country, what is wrong with people? The laying of poison should be a criminal
    offence and the perpetraitors dealt with. :evil: :evil:

    miki g

    It is a criminal offence. The problem is in catching the b***ards in the act. :evil: :evil:


    I say poison the ****ing landowners. Let’s face it, it’s obviously more than a “few” people doing this. The cruel behaviour and attitudes towards animals in Ireland is unbeleivable when you compare us with our nearest neighbours in the UK. The so called environmentalist Green Party are doing SFA to stop this…. bunch of tax hungry hypocrites. Yeah, I’m angry.

    Noely F

    Ah now, everybody knows that red kites mercilessly attack sheep, cows, pigs , Tractors, harvesters and various 4×4 vehicles…..Oh wait, they eat carrion, my mistake :oops: As for the so called “Green Party” aptly named because they make me sick!
    Is there no way to educate these people at all :shock:

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